Black Hole 2

Black Hole 2 ~ acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

Black Hole 2 is a new abstract painting in my space series. A black hole is an area in space with so much gravitational pull that no matter or radiation can escape. Black holes are formed from super nova star explosions and the extreme density of the matter causes the gravitational pull. Astronomers think that black holes may help to stabilize galaxies.

This is the third painting in my space collection that includes a black hole. In this one, I put a large black hole on the top edge and added planets and stars along with a sun. I painted radiating colors being drawn to the hole along with a comet. It was fun to paint. I love the looseness of layering color washes and then scratching back to see what’s created. I also enjoy doing the detail work of painting the spheres and star dots. Doing detail work helps to keep me in the present moment, at times I tend to overthink. I’m fairly pleased with the result.


Galaxy – acrylic painting by Heni Sanoval

Galaxy is a new abstract painting for my space theme. A few weeks ago, I saw a photo that showed brightly lit stars upon stars filling the space with a caption that said something like “how space actually is” That gave me the idea to paint an image of lots of stars on the page.

I laid down colorful spirals and and curving lines and then put in spheres in small to larger sizes as if they are expanding out into space. It was fun to paint getting to play with lots of color. My next painting is going to be more subdued. I’ll be making a cat painting for my chiropractor who helped with my neck injury. His healing energy helped me get through the experience and I’m thanking him with a painting of their family cat.

I put up holiday decorations early this year because we had a holiday artist open house here in early December. It was fun, I sold prints from my etsy days and and also picked up some lovely unique gifts. I like getting all that done early as now we can relax and do a bit of entertaining. On Monday our daughter will be flying home for the holidays; we can hardly wait to see her! I hope everyone is enjoying this festive season.

Pig and Roses

Pig and Roses

I had fun with this painting and I got a kick out of titling it Pig and Roses, a take off of the band, Guns and Roses.  It makes me laugh every time I see the title.  My husband and I have inside joke about pigs so over the years we’ve accumulated somewhat of a pig collection.  This angel pig is painted from a small concrete pig that I picked up at Pier One.  I love his happy expression and have painted him in many directions. 

The roses are decorative touch that I sometimes add to my paintings.  It is a wink to my earlier work as a papier mache artist where I made brightly colored papier mache bowls onto which I painted decorative elements.  The rose bowl design  pictured below was very popularI think people liked the old fashion quality of them.  I added roses to the painting as roses symbolize love that this happy angel pig feels.

Dreamtime Roses Bowl

Pig prints available here.