Yellow Sun, Blue Sun

Yellow Sun, Blue Sun – acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

Yellow Sun, Blue Sun is a new painting for my space collection. I decided to paint the sun, our star connecting to the star Sirius in our galaxy. I used my favorite jewel colors which was a fun change after the wolf painting. Planets are orbiting each of the suns while the milky way stars are in between.

This time of year Sirius rises with the sun and in ancient Egypt it signaled the new year. Many ancient cities were built in alignment with Sirius as it was believed that the vibrations of this huge star could reign down and deliver higher frequencies to help in the advancement of life on Earth. Sirius is also known as the dog star because it rose in the late hot days of summer, which we are certainly having here in Atlanta.

Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky and is actually a double star. The smaller Sirius B which I painted is bluish is color in front of he larger white Sirius A. I painted the blue spiral between the two suns to symbolize the helpful energy coming our way this time of year.

Pinwheel Galaxy

Pinwheel Galaxy – acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

Pinwheel Galaxy is a new painting for my space collection. While writing the last blog post, I became intrigued when I read that black holes may help with the formations of galaxies. I clicked on a few space sites to learn more. Scientist think galaxies may be formed around massive black holes, the theory is that black holes leak dark matter, creating a “wind” of particles that stream away.

A galaxy is a system of billions of stars and dust held together by a gravitational attraction. They are formed by bands of gases that form the stars. I saw a beautiful photo of a galaxy with a black hole in the center and each band of light spiraling out in the Fibonacci sequence, as seen throughout nature, such as a fern fiddle head, seashell or beautiful flower.

With this painting, I decided to play with that idea of bands of color, each expanding in a spiral out into space. I named it pinwheel galaxy because it looks like a pinwheel. I know it’s a holiday weekend for many, enjoy these days!


Galaxy – acrylic painting by Heni Sanoval

Galaxy is a new abstract painting for my space theme. A few weeks ago, I saw a photo that showed brightly lit stars upon stars filling the space with a caption that said something like “how space actually is” That gave me the idea to paint an image of lots of stars on the page.

I laid down colorful spirals and and curving lines and then put in spheres in small to larger sizes as if they are expanding out into space. It was fun to paint getting to play with lots of color. My next painting is going to be more subdued. I’ll be making a cat painting for my chiropractor who helped with my neck injury. His healing energy helped me get through the experience and I’m thanking him with a painting of their family cat.

I put up holiday decorations early this year because we had a holiday artist open house here in early December. It was fun, I sold prints from my etsy days and and also picked up some lovely unique gifts. I like getting all that done early as now we can relax and do a bit of entertaining. On Monday our daughter will be flying home for the holidays; we can hardly wait to see her! I hope everyone is enjoying this festive season.


Galaxies – acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

Galaxies is my latest painting, a new abstract. I’m back to playing around with abstraction, this painting has a lot of overlaying of paint. I started with four equal circles and a loop and kept going with symmetry, but it just was not working, and I almost gave up. At that point I just began adding more colors and shapes moving away from the symmetrical look and it started to look better. I like the movement and the fact I didn’t give up.

The idea for the name of my painting came from a fascinating article I read this week on two researchers who have found that the complex web of neurons in our brain look strangely similar to the cosmic network of galaxies. One fact that stood out to me was that there are at least 100 billion galaxies that connect in a web within our universe. It’s hard to even imagine that. Here is the link to the article: NEURON WEB IN HUMAN BRAIN IS SIMILAR TO THE NETWORK OF GALAXIES IN THE UNIVERSE

It’s a beautiful weekend here, I hope everyone enjoys the upcoming Thanksgiving week even if most of us are not able to be with extended family.