Mom and Baby Giraffe

Mom and Baby Giraffe

Mom and Baby Giraffe is a new painting of mine for the African animal series in my Heni’s Happy Painting Etsy Shop. Giraffes are so unique and seem like such gentle creatures. I tried to convey their gentleness in the painting.

A few months ago I heard that giraffes have now been added to the endangered animals list because of poaching and loss of habitat; and at that moment I decided to do the painting. A month later at the holiday artist market a neighbor who had traveled to the South Africa Savanna bought my lion and elephant prints to remind her of her trip but told me she really wanted a giraffe image because she had loved seeing them while there and that they were her favorite animal. I told her that the giraffe was going to be my next painting. One day I hope to travel to the African Savannah to view these majestic animals.

It feels good to be back to painting, I hope everyone is off to a good start in this new year.

King Elephant

King Elephant – acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

King Elephant is a painting I made in June around Father’s Day. I woke up one morning and decided to paint a large African elephant. Only afterwards did I realize it was a compliment painting to the Mom and Baby Elephant that I had done four years prior when my daughter was about to start her freshmen year of college. She graduated from college this May. He is the father elephant. I love it when it’s only later my conscious mind catches up to my impulse to paint a subject, that’s part of the magic of art. I had been thinking of how hard my husband worked those four years to support her financially and also that he was there for her, always believing in her and supporting her ability to forge her own path. 

I chose the name “King Elephant” after a game that our extended family used to play whenever we got together during the holidays and summer beach trips. Everyone would play including my parents and the young children. My brother-in-law would always start the game as the lead King Elephant. We all loved playing it. 

With the advent of the “me too” movement and seeing the misuse of power by men in politics and other areas, it is heartening to see that that my husband and brother-in-laws have done their best to be balanced good men; involved and supportive dads and husbands. I appreciate them and all the men that strive to be aware and balanced.

Leo the Lion

Leo the Lion -acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

It’s been a busy season, a couple of Sundays ago we had the yearly neighborhood artist holiday open house at my home.  I enjoy decorating  my home as it gets me into the Christmas spirit.  Several artist friends and their lovely  art  fill the downstairs during the show.  It was a sunny mild day with lots of people stopping by; everyone seemed to do well. The following Monday I took time to restock my framed prints over at the Flying Biscuit Cafes.  

Now I’m  back to painting.  I’ve just completed Leo the Lion.   I had painted the Lion’s Gate a while back but this time I wanted to paint a large lion as if the solar light was shining on and from him.  The sun rules Leo and the Lion is it’s symbol.  I have a  good friend, a Leo who is having serous health issues.  I admire his strength, to me, he seems gallant the way he has handled his degenerative illness and continues to be present and loving with his family.  

Many years ago on Christmas, my twin sister and I received the set of books, The Chronicles of Narnia  by C.S. Lewis which we read over the winter break. Both of us loved the series as the writing was imaginative and magical.  I especially loved the Aslan, the lion.  He was the majestic guide, strong and kind.  I pictured him in my mind as he took the children for rides on his back.  How safe and secure they felt. In the film that came out a few years back, the lion was much smaller than I imagined.  The lion I painted is how I see him. 

I hope everyone has a magical holiday season! 

Mom and Baby Elephant

Mom and Baby Eephant - acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval
Mom and Baby Elephant – acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

Mom and Baby Elephant is a recent painting for my Heni’s Happy Painting’s Etsy shop.  Several people have asked for an elephant print.  I love elephants myself and so I decided to paint one.  I’ve chosen an African savannah scene with a mom and baby which will go nicely with the lion paintings.

I have been thinking of Africa lately as my sister and brother in law were in Nairobi for a few weeks earlier this summer, she sent back photos and wrote about her amazing experiences there. One day I hope to travel to Africa also.  I chose to paint a mom and baby for a couple of reasons.  My other mom and baby painting of dolphins is the best seller of my shops. Moms love it for young children’s rooms and so hopefully this one will be popular also.

I’ve been thinking about motherhood lately as my daughter recently graduated from high school and will be off to college soon.  It’s been such a privilege for me to be her mom as she has grown from a baby to child to young adult.  I’m excited for her next phase in life.  My husband and I will be empty nesters, a big change for us too.  This painting will serve as a memory for me of this time.

Purchase print here: Mom and Baby Elephant

The King

The King - acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval
The King – acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

 The King is a new painting for my Heni’s Happy Paintings Etsy Shop.  I had painted a lion cub a while back which I titled, The Prince. I wanted to paint an adult male lion with his large dramatic mane as a compliment to the first painting.

I remember watching “Born Free’ when I was a child and dreaming of traveling to Africa to live with the lions.  They are such majestic creatures.  The lion is a symbol for Leo, the sun is shining brightly behind the lion is the ruler of Leo.  Leo’s love to shine and like the lion are leaders, big hearted and loyal.

Purchase print here:  The King