Twin Suns

Twin Suns – acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

I’ve just completed Twin Suns, a new painting for my Cosmic Bodies Collection. I got the idea to paint two suns together as I was thinking about how I was born with an identical twin. Last week I visited my twin sister for a couple of days to celebrate our belated birthday. We started getting together like this a few years ago and it’s been fun. I’ve done many double paintings over the years, usually fish or dolphins. I thought that this time it might be fun to do an abstract painting with a double effect.

It’s interesting to think that she and I were once an embryo that divided and formed into two individuals. I imagined what it might be like after a sun divided into two. I played with the idea of outer and inner space. I used two figure eight waves as infinity loops and more waves to give the sense of ever expanding movement.

Spring is in full force here, hope all are enjoying the season.

The Lion and Lamb

The Lion and Lamb – acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

The Lion and Lamb is a new painting that I made for my twin sister. She has always loved the idea and image of the lion laying down with the lamb. She asked me to do this painting because she is in the process of putting together a daily devotional that she will be publishing soon. It will feature spiritual writings of hers for each day of the year. She’s shared her writings through the years with her friends who have found them moving and helpful in their lives; and they have encouraged her to put them in a devotional in order to help reach others. Now she has decided to go ahead and do just that! She asked me do the lion and lamb painting for book cover.

I was happy to support her and also excited for her new venture. In the painting I wanted the lion to look strong and kind with the little lamb feeling sheltered and cared for. Happily, when she saw it, she was pleased. Now she is working on the finishing touches of the devotional and within a couple of months it will be available on Kindle! I’ll post the link here when it’s ready. I’m excited for her and know that it will reach and help many people.

Mirror Fish

TWO FISHES - 1-29-18 1000
Mirror Fish – acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

Mirror Fish is my most recent painting.   Two fish  are swimming together like the Pisces symbol of  two fish swimming in opposite directions.  My twin sister and I are Pisces; our birthday is coming up later this month.  Maybe that’s why I felt like creating a new painting of the two fish to add to the other double fish paintings I’ve done through the years.  In this painting I’ve tried to loosen up some and play with lots of vibrant color.

My sister and I are in good places at the moment.  We are happy with our lives,  our families are doing well and we’re enjoying the empty nest phase.  We are identical mirror twins, which means the egg divided after 7 days and so we are mirror images of each other. She is right-handed while I am left-handed.

My sister was visiting last weekend and when we stopped by to pick up coffee at the local Dunkin Donuts, we got attention for looking alike. These days we find getting attention fun.   Growing up we never felt comfortable with all the extra attention we received.   Both my sister and I always smile to strangers and over the years I’ve realized that we do that because people were always staring at us.

We are still very close and talk to each other 2 or 3 times a week but like the fish above with the different colors and along with every identical twin, we each have a unique personality.

The Twins

The Twins - acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval
                                    The Twins – acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

 The Twins is my most recent painting. It is is another painting for my Heni’s Happy Paintings Etsy Shop. I wanted to create a fun, happy outdoor scene and tried to show the special bond that identical twins have. I have an identical twin sister and we had that special bond.  We came into the world together and share the same genes.  Technically, we are mirror twins; I’m a lefty and she’s right handed, which means our egg split late, after nine to ten days.

Even now after living apart for so many years, we still have the same mannerisms. As I wrote on my about page, my twin and I were the youngest in our family and spent most of our time together in our own world, running around outside and playing pretend endlessly.  I think that helped us to be creative as adults.  Both of us are in happy marriages and I wonder if that has to do with being in a partnership from day one and learning how to give and take at an early age.   I love my sister and am glad she is my twin.