Bluebird in Flight

Bluebird in Flight – acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

I was feeling happy and upbeat last week and felt liking painting  a bluebird.   I painted one a few years ago that was loosely based on a vintage post card.  We have bluebirds in our neighborhood and I love watching them soar about on my walks.  The bluebird symbolizes joy.

Here in Atlanta like much of the country we are already having mild spring-like weather,  birds are chirping and beginning to pair up and flowers are blooming. I even mowed our lawn last Wednesday.  A Facebook friend of mine posted a picture which said “What a lovely spring we are having this winter,”  which brought  smile to my face but at the same time I wondered what kind of summer we are going to have in Hotlanta.  Regardless, it’s hard not to be happy with this wonderful spring-like weather.

In Bluebird in Flight the joyful bird is flying over the meadow with the sun shining above.  I so enjoyed painting it,  layering the various colors on and seeing what came about.  I hope that joy is reflected in the painting.

Floating Mermaid

Floating Mermaid- acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

Here is my new painting, Floating Mermaid.  It’s feels good to be back to painting as I have had a long break.   In early May, I took a road trip with my twin sister up to New York City.  We met up with my two other sisters in New Jersey at my aunt’s home and had such a great reunion, also enjoying visiting with cousins and my aunt.   It had been over ten years since we had all been together.   We then took the train into Manhattan and  got to spend time with my daughter who was finishing up her freshman year at NYU.  She loves being in the city and it was reassuring to see how she was thriving.

Once she came home for summer break,  an opportunity opened up for her to spend five weeks in China teaching English and visiting with Chinese friends she had made at school.  It was all very sudden and with me helping her get ready for her adventure and having her home I found it challenging to focus on my art.

She’s been in China a week now and is enjoying herself and I am back to painting.  This floating mermaid is the result.  In life there are times we have to let go, relax and trust.  As a mom, I was nervous about my 18 year old girl  traveling on her own half way around the world.   At this point, part of my journey as a mom is to let go and trust my   child’s own path in life.    In this painting I wanted to show a mermaid relaxing in the water as the sun shines on her with the white dove of peace soaring above her, knowing all is well.

I hope all are enjoying summer,  whether you are home relaxing or off on exciting adventures!


Robin Among the Dogwood Flowers

ROBIN 1000x
Robin Among the Dogwood Flowers – acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

Robin Among the Dogwood Flowers is a new painting for my bird series.  It seems that around this time of year I’m usually  inspired to paint spring scenes.  Spring here in Atlanta is breathtaking and each day brings new colors as the various plants awaken.  In the past few weeks the dogwoods are taking their turn with their bright white flowers  lighting up the landscape.

The robins are back in the hood.  Last week a robin landed just outside my kitchen window where I had long close up look at him.  Right then I decided it would be fun to paint a robin.  One thing I love about painting is that it helps  me to observe more closely the the world around me.  On my walks through the neighborhood, I focused on observing the robins and dogwoods as I worked on this painting.

Robins symbolize renewal and hope as they are one of the first birds to return in spring.  Some Native American tribes  saw the robin’s red chest and bright yellow break as a symbol of the dawning of the sun.  The yellow beak symbolized the rays of the sun and when seeing a robin it was a sign to speak your highest truth.

Today is the first day of spring break for all the kids here Atlanta, late last night storms came through helping to wash the pollen away.  I hope everyone enjoys this upcoming weekend.


Mermaid Basking in the Sun

Mermaid Basking in the Sun – acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

Mermaid Basking in the Sun is a new painting for my Heni’s Happy Paintings Etsy Shop.  This a my second attempt at painting a mermaid, the first was set in a moonlit scene.  This time I felt like painting a mermaid enjoying the warmth of the sun

When I was younger I loved the idea and stories of mermaids, perhaps because my twin sister and I swam all summer long and  felt at home under water. Once I started snorkeling and saw the beauty of the tropical fish and coral, I could easily imagine mermaids swimming about.

With the earth  having three quarters of it’s surface covered in water, it makes sense that cultures around the world have myths of mermaids. In general, mermaids are  portrayed as beautiful, mysterious and powerful creatures.  I’m pleased with my painting, she turned out nicely.

Spring is in full force here in Atlanta, it’s beautiful.  Wishing everyone a happy Easter weekend!

Running Gazelle

Gazelle Runnning
Gazelle Running

Running Gazelle is a new painting in the African animal series for my Heni’s Happy Paintings Etsy Shop.

Images of gazelles have been showing up in my life lately.  I looked up the symbolic meaning of gazelles, they symbolize graceful feminine energy.   That made sense to me, they are such beautiful graceful creatures running with ease in groups.  I also love their dark curved antlers which are  so striking.  I wanted the painting to have the bright sun with lots of color to enhance the joyful feeling of running.

It’s a busy season, our daughter gets home next week for her winter break; we so looking forward to seeing her.  My wish is for all to have a joyous holiday season!

Purchase print here: Running Gazelle



Peace Dove Rising

Peace Dove Rising - acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval
Peace Dove Rising – acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

Peace Dove Rising  is my new painting.  Each year in honor of International Day of Peace (Sept. 21st) I paint a white dove.  It’s a day is observed by people all over the world to encourage peace within and among nations. Last year’s painting was a night scene which I titled, Darkest Before Dawn because at that time things appeared bleak.  This year I felt like painting a happy, uplifted dove.  It seems to me that progress is being made.  There have been new major agreements occurring between nations.  Leaders, political and spiritual, are shining light on major problems in our world in which we the people can come together and  solve. 

My husband and I took our daughter up to New York City for college three weeks ago and are adjusting to being empty nesters,  it feels good to be settling down a bit and getting back to painting.  If you are interested in learning more about the International Day of Peace  and events occurring check out this link:

Purchase print here:  Peace Dove Rising

Darkest Before Dawn

Darkest before Dawn - acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval
Darkest before Dawn – acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

Darkest Before Dawn is my new painting.  Each year around the International Day of Peace I like to paint a dove of peace.  I’m a little behind the curve as the date was on September 21st but better late than never.  I decided to paint a dove flying at night as lately it seems that there is a continuous stream of bad news in regards to world and national events.  It is my feeling that the negativity that we are seeing and that many are experiencing will pass sooner rather than later and that actually many positive things are happening under the radar of the sensational news.

With the new season I seem to be settling down and better able to focus on painting which feels good.  May this new season bring with it more hope and peace to everyone.

Dreaming of the Caribbean again

Red Fish in the Tropics ~ acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval
Red Fish in the Tropics ~ acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

We’ve just had another long week of ice and snow.  I live in the South for a reason, we’ve had quite enough of this cold snowy weather.  I feel for the folks in the North, this winter has been brutal.  I’ve spent the snowy days dreaming of the warm Caribbean while working on a new fish painting, Red Fish in the Tropics.  In this painting I’ve tried to capture the magic one sees while snorkeling along coral reefs.   I love the way sound is muted and yet you see movement everywhere.   The light bounces through the water and brightens the vivid colors of the fish while the schools of fish swim along in the same direction ready at any moment to dart off on a different course.  You usually see one of two larger fish floating along with the current moving a bit slower.   I worked many hours on this painting trying to get that feeling, by layering the light to get the sense of movement and adding lots a bright details to the fish and coral.  The painting still doesn’t capture it fully but I didn’t want it to be too over worked and am fairly pleased.  Let’s hope spring in the Northern hemisphere will come sooner than later.  Until then we can dream…

Two Dolphins in the Moonlight

Two Dolphins in the Moonlight - acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval
Two Dolphins in the Moonlight – acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

I’ve just completed painting Two Dolphins in the Moonlight for my Heni’s Happy Paintings Etsy shop.    Many years ago I did a watercolor painting of four dolphins playing in the full moonlit sea that I gave to my twin sister.  She still has it hanging in her home.  Now that I’m doing acrylic paintings, I thought it might be fun to try a new moonlit dolphin scene.   Last week I was going back and forth with a woman who really liked one of my double fish prints but wanted a custom ordered size, which led me to think about painting a double dolphin scene.  I combined those two ideas and and this painting is the result.  It was fun to use lots of  bright colors contrasting with the darks of the ocean and sky.    I want to continue along this whimsical path, tomorrow I plan to start a flying fish painting.  We’ll see how that goes.

Baby Bunny in the Garden

Baby Bunny in the Garden - acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval
Baby Bunny in the Garden – acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

Last week was a very happy time in our extended family.  My niece gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.  She’s the first baby of this new generation, my daughter is no longer the youngest.  Even though my niece lives on the West Coast; when she went into labor we all felt very connected through text messages, emails, and FB status updates my sister sent from the moment my niece went into labor to the joy of her baby being born.   I’m also very happy for my sister and her husband, the new grandparents, who say they are “over the moon” with joy.   I’m addicted to looking at all the cute photos that arrive on FB and email. One great thing about our times is that we can stay to connected to loved ones thanks to technology.

A while back I told my sister that I would do a painting for my niece for her baby.  She emailed me that my niece was decorating the nursery with the Beatrice Potter’s Peter Rabbit theme.   Such a sweet idea, my family had the whole set of Beatrice Potter books with the little baby blue book shelf which we all loved.    I thought to myself that I really didn’t want to copy Beatrice Potter’s lovely illustrations, no way to top her.   For Christmas I sent my niece a small print of my lamb painting.  After the baby came I felt inspired to do a new little bunny painting in the same style of my lambs.  It’s been very fun to be back to painting and for such a happy event.  So this painting is for you – little Stratton Mary and for your mom and dad!  I hope it will serve as a nice memory of what a special time your birth was and how we all were so happy when you arrived!