White Tailed Buck

White Tailed Buck – acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

My new painting, White Tailed Buck is of a regal adult male deer. I’ve worked on it consistently for the past two weeks, it took time to blend the colors of the deer’s coat. The late spring forest foliage behind the buck was inspired from my daily walks. I love looking at how the light falls on the various tree leaves and branches. I’ve tried to do it justice in this painting. Here in Atlanta, we have many majestic deciduous trees growing in our environment that we tend to take for granted. Luckily, my neighborhood has many and I sure hope it stays that way as the ranch house expansion renovations continue.

Last year, at mid-morning, a large eight-point buck leapt into our wooded back yard, the tall fence was no issue. I watched him from my studio window as he strolled across stopping to snack on leaves. He then leapt into my neighbor’s yard. Occasionally, I’ll see deer at dusk over closer to a church yard that has a large, wooded area with a stream and protected flood plain. I had never seen one here and wondered what got him over our way.

The buck symbolizes the male aspect of the deer, speed, stamina, grace and regeneration since the antlers grow back each year. The antlers grow up above the head bringing it closer to the sky and making it sacred. In many cultures, the deer buck is a symbol of spiritual authority.

Two Sunlit Dolphins

Two Sunlit Dolphins – acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

I’ve painted many dolphins over the years and this week was inspired to paint a new one which I’ve titled Two Sunlit Dolphins. I like painting double fish because it reminds me of my relationship with my twin sister. We are identical and born during the double fish sign of Pisces. I don’t remember not knowing how to swim, we spent our summers swimming every day. On our family beach vacations we looked for dolphins out in the waves and were thrilled when spotting them. I love the way dolphins always seem happy and carefree.

I had done a painting of two dolphins in the moonlight so I decided with this painting to make it a day time scene. I enjoyed figuring out how to show the sunlight and using my favorite aqua green colors. It’s a fun light painting that I think works pretty well.

Shining Sea Turtle

Caribbean Sea Turtle
Shining Sea Turtle = acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

Shining Sea Turtle is a new turtle painting of mine.   I had not painted in about a month as my daughter is graduating from high school in a few  weeks.  She will be going off to New York University in the fall.  It was very unexpected as we assumed she would be going to an in state school. She got accepted and received enough funding to make it possible.  It’s been an exciting  few weeks figuring out the details.  We are thrilled and very proud of her.  It’s been my girl’s dream to go off to school in New York City and now it’s actually going to happen!

I’ve settled down a bit and it feels good to be back painting.  I love doing underwater ocean scenes and I just felt like painting a serene sea turtle.  I hope all are having a peaceful happy season.

Purchase the print here:  Shining Sea Turtle

Dolphin in Dappled Sunlight

Dolphin in Dappled Sunlight - acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval
Dolphin in Dappled Sunlight – acrylic painting by Heni Sandoval

Here in Atlanta the kids have been back in school for three weeks now. My daughter is in her senior year of high school and will soon begin applying to colleges. With the realization of the expenses that lie ahead, my husband and I are trying to figure out the various financial options of her potential college choices.   It’s overwhelming; so, early this week when I received a message on my Heni’s Happy Painting’s Etsy Shop from a woman who loved my Mom and Bay Dolphin print but wanted a single dolphin instead, it was the perfect time to step back from that stress and dive into a new painting.

Dolphin in the Dappled Sunlight is the result.  I’ve always loved dolphins, they are so playful.  When we were in Hawaii swimming with them, the beauty of the light through the clear blue water reflecting on their bodies was striking.  I tried to capture that light and yet make it slightly different from the other painting.  I am hoping the woman will be pleased.  Enjoy these last days of the season!